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Image by Karlo King

Mental Health Blog

As we notice participating Filipino/a/x mental health professionals share perspectives that may be valuable for a public audience, we may consult them to document and publish for our Mental Health Blog.

This is in support of more Filipino MHPs to write and share more of their lived experiences and acquired knowledge in mental health with communities and future generations.

01 | Mental Health Insights from Visiting the Philippines in 2024
Published: August 1, 2024


In Kasamahan's Monthly Consultation Group, three Filipino/a/x therapists, Cheryl, Eliza, and Cherie shared about their separate visits to the Philippines this year in Spring and Summer 2024. 

We invited them to write about their perspectives on mental health care in the Philippines as it compares to mental health care in the United States. They also share unique and relatable personal stories. 

Please enjoy their diverse insights shared together as kapwa.

02 | Kwentuhan and Research: Narrative Therapy and Sikolohiyang Pilipino
Published: August 16, 2024

IMG_2071 - Jez.HEIC

Kasamahan invited jez to share about his experiences after learning about his graduate research while supporting with our Resources page and attending our Virtual Salo-Salos.

jez is a Filipino MHP Graduate Student at SDSU conducting research on the "Lived Experiences of Filipino Mental Health Professionals Working with Filipino Clients". He is also exploring Sikolohiyang Pilipino (Filipino Psychology) with Narrative Therapy.

03 | Biyahe ng Bayani: Posttraumatic Growth and Finding Indigenous Wisdom
Part 1 Published: August 30, 2024 | Part 2 In Progress


Eliza, Kasamahan's Board Secretary, shares her journey finding Filipino Indigenous psychology and wisdom—a journey she playfully calls, Biyahe ng Bayani as a nod to her ChatGPT Tagalog guro and a concept loosely attached to Jungian psychology.

Last week, she attended the Center for Babaylan Studies Symposium: Kapwa Nilalang which marked their first in-person gathering since 2019. The Symposium focused on post-decolonization efforts through re-indigenization sa loob at sa kalikasan. This blog serves as a snapshot at the very beginning of her integration of what she has learned and would like to share with our community.

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